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From Panama to Bali, the start of my digital nomad journey over the last two years has been full of trials and errors. While working online while travelling is full of exciting promises of extended adventures and in-depth knowledge of each country’s culture, it’s important to realise there is more to it than just a pretty picture of a laptop on the beach (I staged the cover picture of this article on purpose to make a point, I never ever work outdoors – too bright, too hot, too many mosquitoes, you name it).

After my sabbatical in Japan and New Caledonia, then my first year as a digital nomad in Latin America, I realised that Asia is where my heart is. And so is some of the best diving in the world while being extremely affordable. It eventually led me, step by step, to an organisation that works for me with a local base as I’m currently exploring Southeast Asia.

Here is a reality check blog post about a lifestyle many fantasise about while answering the most common questions with my personal take.
